Hello food enthusiasts, are you looking for the latest Gajaa at 8 Malaysia Menu Prices? You are in the right place then. We’ve uploaded their full menu with pictures and prices. Prices are obtained from official Gajaa at 8 Malaysia sources.
Restaurant Name
Gajaa at 8 Malaysia
Delivery Hotline
03-2201 7369
No. 8, Lrg Maarof, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Opening And Closing Time
Monday To Sunday, 12–3:30 pm, 6–10 pm
Number Of Categories
Gajaa at 8 Malaysia Menu can be categorized as Taste Teaser, Family Special, Tiffins at Gajaa, Chicken, Fish, Prawn, Squid, Mutton, From the Royal Garden, Egg, Rice & Breads, Desserts, and Beverages. Let’s explore them in detail one by one.
I am a talented and passionate chef known for my ability to transform basic ingredients into mouthwatering dishes. My approachable style and unwavering dedication to the culinary arts have garnered me a respected position within the food community. My love for cooking radiates through each and every dish I create, earning me a special place in the hearts of food enthusiasts everywhere.